Beat the Bad Economy By Getting Your College Degree in ONE YEAR or LESS.


Click here for a free evaluation.

Earn a Fully Accredited US College Degree from home.
No courses. No classes.

According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, people with a bachelor’s degree earn over 60 percent more on average than those with only a high school diploma. Over a lifetime, the gap in earning potential between a high school diploma and a B.A. (or higher) is more than $1,000,000.00 – yes, ONE MILLION DOLLARS.

Despite this huge gap in earnings only 21% of all adults over the age of 25 have college degrees. In a national newspaper survey asking what the readers biggest regrets were most Americans said that they regretted not going on with their education.

These are US Regionally Accredited Degrees — the exact same accreditation that degrees issued by Harvard, Yale, and all other major US Universities share or Non—US fully Accredited Degrees that can be evaluated as equivalent to US Regionally Accredited Degrees.

  • If you started but never completed college — even if that was 30 years ago or more;
  • If you never started college and want a degree in the least amount of time by studying for exams in your own home or using what you learned at work for credit;
  • If you have credits only from a recognized college outside the United States;
  • If you are in college but want to reduce the time it takes you to finish;
  • Or if you want a college degree for any other reason or in any other circumstance;
  • If you are in high school and want to jump-start your education so that you can enter college with 3, 6, 12, or even 30 credits or more, already completed;

You can test out of college.

You can get credit for what you already know.

You can be a college graduate
in less than one year.

CLICK HERE for examples of the thousands of courses and life experiences you can get college credit for, without ever stepping into a classroom:

And you ………

  • Never enter a classroom.
  • Get Credit for what you already know.
  • Use your work experience or study on your own and take exams to complete your degree, or start from scratch and take exams for the entire degree.
  • Thousands of men and women have already done this, and today they are enjoying the benefits of a fully accredited college degree. These people have gone on to use their college degrees (or what we call life experience degree or work experience degree ) to get top-paying professional jobs, to go on to graduate school, to obtain the respect and admiration of their colleagues, and to literally change their lives forever.

The only difference between these people and you is that they took the first step.